🖥️Web Integration

Installation guide for web

When integrating our widget on web, there are several methods you can use.

1. Embed within a custom modal/drawer or directly on a page

        title="Blockchain.com Pay widget"
        allow="autoplay *; camera *; microphone *; fullscreen *; accelerometer *; magnetometer *; gyroscope *; picture-in-picture *; payment" />

You need to whitelist your domain in Blockchain.com Pay dashboard for embedded widget to work.

2. Open a new window or a new tab

Our widget is a standalone web application which can be accessed directly by the URL. You can use your pre-configured URL to open a new window or a new tab for a user to continue the on-ramp journey.

We suggest you make it clear to user that they will be taken to Blockchain.com Pay in a new window or a new tab when using this option.

Widget configuration

Our widget is configurable by adding query parameters to the base URL. Please refer to Customise the Widget page for more details.

Last updated