Get supported currencies, countries, and states
Last updated 5 months ago
The Eligibility API provides information on the currencies and regions supported by Pay.
Returns an array of all currencies enabled on your account. Contact your account executive to customise your account settings.
curl -L \ --url '' \ --header 'X-Public-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'
[ [ { "type": "FIAT", "name": "US Dollar", "code": "USD", "precision": 2, "minBuyAmount": 20, "maxBuyAmount": 1200 }, { "type": "CRYPTO", "name": "Bitcoin", "code": "BTC", "precision": 8, "network": "BTC", "supportsDestinationTag": false, "isSupportedInUS": true, "allowedUSStates": [ "AL", "CT" ] } ] ]
Returns an array of all countries and states supported by BcPay.
If present, only returns countries and states that are allowed to buy.
curl -L \ --url '' \ --header 'X-Public-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'
{ "countries": [ [ { "alpha2": "BE", "alpha3": "BEL", "isBuyAllowed": true, "name": "Belgium" }, { "alpha2": "GB", "alpha3": "GBR", "isBuyAllowed": true, "name": "United Kingdom" }, { "alpha2": "US", "alpha3": "USA", "isBuyAllowed": true, "name": "United States" } ] ], "usStates": [ [ { "alpha2": "CA", "isBuyAllowed": true, "name": "California" }, { "alpha2": "FL", "isBuyAllowed": true, "name": "Florida" }, { "alpha2": "WA", "isBuyAllowed": true, "name": "Washington" } ] ] }
Returns an array of all payment methods enabled on your account. Contact your account executive to customise your account settings.
curl -L \ --url '' \ --header 'X-Public-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'
[ [ { "type": "CARD", "supportedCurrencies": [ "USD", "GBP", "EUR" ] } ] ]