Returns the latest state of user orders
Last updated
Returns the latest state of user orders
Last updated
The Orders API allows you to fetch a list of up to 50 recent orders or query for specific ones either by order id or by external reference, set by the partner.
This information can be used to learn order state changes in a passive-polling way. It is an alternative to subscribing to webhooks, which provide automatic and instant updates.
Since this API shares sensitive data of the orders, it requires private authentication.
Returns either:
query parameter is provided, returns a list of order details for orders that match requested external reference. It could be several orders.walletAddress
query parameter is provided, returns a list of order details for orders that match requested wallet address. It could be several orders.ok
Unique identifier of the order
An optional external order reference set by the partner. It is limited to 100 characters.
An optional 3rd party reference set by the partner. It is limited to 50 characters.
Type of the order. BUY for on-ramp, SELL for off-ramp
Timestamp of the order creation
Current state of the order
Timestamp of the last order state change
Payment method used for the order
Currency code used for funding the order
Amount of input currency used for the order
Currency code of the output currency
Amount of output currency
Amount of the transaction denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Blockchain.com Pay processing fee denominated in inputCurrency
Blockchain.com Pay processing fee denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Partner fee denominated in inputCurrency
Partner fee denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Network fee denominated in inputCurrency
Transaction network fee denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Unique identifier of the user
Target wallet address of the crypto transaction
Transaction hash of the crypto transaction. Will only be present for orders in COMPLETED state
Returns order details for a given order id.
Unique identifier of the order
Unique identifier of the order
An optional external order reference set by the partner. It is limited to 100 characters.
An optional 3rd party reference set by the partner. It is limited to 50 characters.
Type of the order. BUY for on-ramp, SELL for off-ramp
Timestamp of the order creation
Current state of the order
Timestamp of the last order state change
Payment method used for the order
Currency code used for funding the order
Amount of input currency used for the order
Currency code of the output currency
Amount of output currency
Amount of the transaction denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Blockchain.com Pay processing fee denominated in inputCurrency
Blockchain.com Pay processing fee denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Partner fee denominated in inputCurrency
Partner fee denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Network fee denominated in inputCurrency
Transaction network fee denominated in USD. Will be an approximate value in case of inputCurrency
different than USD.
Unique identifier of the user
Target wallet address of the crypto transaction
Transaction hash of the crypto transaction. Will only be present for orders in COMPLETED state