OAuth Resources
Blockchain.com exposes two OAuth resource endpoints making custodial wallet data available.
Last updated
Blockchain.com exposes two OAuth resource endpoints making custodial wallet data available.
Last updated
Use the access token previously obtained via the oauth server. The access token should be included in resource endpoint requests as an authorization header containing a “bearer token”.
Endpoint: /v1/transactions
Method: GET
Scope: read_transactions
Description: Retrieve the authenticated user's transaction history.
Parameters: startDate
, endDate
, type
This endpoint can return a maximum of 30 days of history and by default will return the most recent 30 days of history.
Possible types include: withdrawal
, deposit
, trade
Possible statuses include: pending
, complete
, failed
Endpoint: /v1/balances
Method: GET
Scope: read_balance
Description: Retrieve an overview of the authenticated user's account, including asset details such as symbol, quantity, and current worth.